About South Metro PEAC

About PEAC

There are two levels of provision for gifted and talented government school students in Western Australia: school-based and supplementary. Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) is a centrally supported supplementary program.

PEAC in the South Metropolitan Education Region caters to the special learning needs of gifted and talented students in Years 5 and 6. PEAC programs offer a wide range of academic extension programs in a variety of community and educational settings.


PEAC programs offer children:

  • opportunities to develop critical and creative thinking skills
  • an intellectually rigorous and challenging program
  • opportunities to interact with practicing experts
  • the opportunities to develop higher order process skills and in-depth investigation skills
  • the opportunity to work on open-ended activities which encourage choice and negotiation
  • self/peer evaluation and reflection of performance
  • the opportunity to socially interact with other gifted and talented students


PEAC Courses are self funding and course charges range from a minimum of $10 up to $100 depending on course requirements, such as

  • use of an external venue
  • incursions/excursions
  • guest speakers
  • materials and additional resources
  • consumables
  • bus hire

Professional Development

The South Metropolitan Education Region PEAC staff offer professional development for teachers to support school-based provision for gifted and talented students K-6. Supporting teachers through professional development means that gifted and talented students can be catered for at the school level.

The South Metropolitan Education Region (SMERO) comprises 193 government primary schools. Identified students from these schools have access to programs at PEAC sites located across the region. A variety of programs are offered to meet the needs of identified students in the South Metro Region.


Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) is a part time supplementary program for students in Years 5 and 6. Students are identified as suited to participation in the PEAC Program through testing in Year 4.

Test questions are multiple choice, of a contemporary nature and are separated into the following sub categories:

  1. Reading Comprehension;
  2. Reasoning by analogy;
  3. Working Mathematically/Thinking Scientifically; and
  4. Non-Verbal reasoning

The test will measure the child’s ability to

  • recognise patterns,
  • predict with accuracy,
  • use their reasoning skills in a range of contexts,
  • apply their knowledge and learning in language, mathematics, and thinking scientifically.


Students’ scores from the testing completed in year four are marked by ACER and are converted to a percentile rank. The top 3% of our student population are offered a place in the PEAC program. Once students have been selected they have access to a PEAC program, starting in Year 5 and continuing until the end of Year 6.

The identified pool of students remains the same and so students will be offered the opportunity to participate in a program from years five to six. However, there are times when students may choose to decline for a number of reasons. Transport to programs may be a problem; they may find they are missing their favourite subject at school; or they may find the increased workload too much. PEAC is not in competition with schools. PEAC works with schools as a support program.

PEAC is offered at various sites across the region depending on the program being offered.

The programs are designed according to the delivery mode, the site and the interests of the students. New courses are developed to reflect contemporary curriculum. We aim to reach a balance across the learning areas of the curriculum.

Different programs incur different amounts of homework. In most cases ample in-class time is given to students in class to complete the bulk of the requirements. However some students who get behind may lack good time management strategies and therefore create their own homework. PEAC homework is not intended to take precedence over school homework. Homework may take the form of a long-term assignment, research, gathering resources to create a model or the completion of class work.

Students are not penalised if they withdraw from a program. However we try to stress the importance of making a commitment to a program and we seek a valid reason for any withdrawal. If students withdraw without consultation they may not be included in the next program. Often students say they are bored, however upon investigation it was more challenging than they expected or they did not read the relevant course information carefully or they were simply not committed to working in that area.

Each program is a separate entity. Students can sometimes perform badly in one course and outstandingly in another. It may be the course didn’t turn out as they expected or it may be that they became too busy at school or at home and were unable to meet requirements. Students who do not perform well may be offered a conditional pass to enable them to improve their performance in the next course. Students who consistently underperform may be asked to discontinue the program. PEAC teachers will liaise with the parents and schools to ensure high level engagement.

There is no PEAC in secondary school; however, in year six the students may sit the Academic Selective Entrance Test, which assesses their ability in particular learning areas. If successful, students may be offered a place at Perth Modern School as an Academic Selective School, John Curtin College of the Arts or in one a number of approved specialist programs within other high schools.

If you change schools within the region and you advise the PEAC centre then we are able to advise the new school and pass on any relevant data. The same would apply if you moved elsewhere in the state.

PEAC is a needs based program. It is designed to help schools cater for their gifted and talented students. Many schools also develop school-based provision to cater for students when they are not at PEAC or miss gaining a position. The PEAC team offers a professional development program to support classroom teachers in this provision.

Although the scores of the tests completed by the students in year four are confidential, parents may have access to the results by contacting the school. However a set of numbers may have little meaning without context. Parents whose children are not in the identified group may be told their child’s results and an indication given to areas of strength.

If your child is going to be absent from a PEAC session, please inform the teacher before the session. Phone message, email or text is acceptable and much appreciated.

PEAC courses do not run on public holidays or during school holidays.

Yes, PEAC runs all days except public holidays and school holidays.

No, the PEAC teacher keeps a record of attendance.

The course fee is paid to your child’s home school.

It will be on the email notifying you of your child’s first course in Cycle 1.

The Car Pooling form goes to the PEAC teacher for their records.

An email or phone message would be appreciated. You should come to the room to collect your child.

Each student should choose 4 courses they would be happy to do. The courses are not ranked in preference.


Useful information and resources for parents of students attending PEAC.


As well as attending the PEAC sites students may be involved in excursions away from the site. Excursions must be approved by the principal of each student’s enrolled school in accordance with Department of Education policy.


You are invited to a parent meeting at which we will inform you of the expectations and procedures of the PEAC program. This information is also found on this website.

These meetings will be held at Curtin Primary School, 20 Goss Avenue, Manning in the school’s undercover area over a period of 3 nights.

It is most important that you attend the designated night allotted to your school and that only one parent attend, due to sheer volume of parents invited.

Assigned Parent Evenings 6.00pm-7:00pm

This means schools in alphabetical order.

Tuesday – 21st November         SCHOOLS: Applecross-Curtin

Wednesday – 22nd November SCHOOLS: Dawson Park-Queens Park

Thursday – 23rd November     SCHOOLS: Ranford-Yarralinka